
Disability Benefits

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Last updated date: 4/2/2024

Available to Robert Half and Protiviti employees and Full-Time Engagement Professionals — refer to your benefits guide for the plans available to you.


When you need to miss work due to an illness or accident, disability benefits can replace a percentage of your lost income, up to a maximum benefit.

Robert Half provides company-paid short-term disability (STD) and long-term disability (LTD) benefits if you’re a regular, full-time employee or part-time employee and you’re unable to work due to illness, injury or pregnancy.

If you want additional LTD coverage, you may purchase supplemental LTD insurance.

Note: Your portion of the cost of medical and other benefit coverages is your responsibility even if you take a leave of absence, such as for a short-term disability. These benefit coverage costs will be deducted from any pay you may receive while on leave. For more detail, please refer to the Leave of Absence Manual and applicable policy documents on your internal company site or call Broadspire, Robert Half’s leave administrator, at 1.877.603.9687.

Short-Term Disability (STD) Insurance

Who pays for the benefit
Elimination period
Amount of the benefit
Benefit maximum
Taxation of Benefit

Who pays for the benefit

Robert Half



Elimination period

Benefits begin after seven calendar days of disability

Amount of the benefit

  • Days 8 – 90: 70% of your regular base salary
  • Days 8 – 90: 70% of your regular base salary
  • Days 91 – 180: 60% of your base salary

Currently, STD benefits will be offset by other disability payments, such as state disability insurance in California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island.

Benefit maximum

$3,500 per week

Taxation of Benefit

Post-tax; benefit is non-taxable but imputed income does apply

For information about the taxation of your STD and LTD benefits, contact the plan administrator.

Long-Term Disability (LTD) Insurance

Who pays for the benefit
Elimination period
Amount of the benefit
Benefit maximum
Taxation of Benefit

Who pays for the benefit

Robert Half


Lincoln Financial

Elimination period

Benefits begin after 180 days of disability

Amount of the benefit

60% of your benefits-eligible earnings1,2

Benefit maximum

$15,000 per month

Taxation of Benefit

Post-tax; benefit is non-taxable but imputed income does apply

For information about the taxation of your STD and LTD benefits, contact the plan administrator.

Click for Footnotes

1Benefits-eligible earnings are your average base pay plus your bonus and commissions over a 12-month look-back period starting from October and ending in September. If you’re a new employee, your benefits-eligible earnings are your base pay.

2 Disabilities that begin in the first 12 months of coverage and are due to a pre-existing condition will not be payable under the plan. A condition will be considered pre-existing if you received a physician’s advice or treatment within three months prior to your effective date of coverage. See your plan booklet for full details.

Supplemental Long-Term Disability (LTD) Insurance

Who pays for the benefit
Elimination period
Amount of the benefit
Benefit maximum
Taxation of Benefit

Who pays for the benefit



Lincoln Financial

Elimination period

Benefits begin after 180 days of disability

Amount of the benefit

Total of 66.7% of your benefits-eligible earnings (includes 60% from Robert Half-paid LTD benefit)1,2

Benefit maximum

$25,000 per month (includes $15,000 from Robert Half-paid LTD benefit)

Taxation of Benefit

Post-tax; benefit is non-taxable

For information about the taxation of your STD and LTD benefits, contact the plan administrator.